Every person is born with a unique energy blueprint called their Template. Within each Template is a person’s potential for great Good and great Ill. This may paint each template as “neutral” but this is not so. Yes, it was born in zero-space, in a neutral zone, but it’s potential for ill is driven only by a misguided aspiration for good.

Each Template is the basis of your body. It downloads into your flesh when you are barely a few cells old, when your heart tissue is first formed. Then your brain and body grows “around” it. It is the perfect spiritual form which gives rise to the imperfect physical form.

Your template is as old as you, but is altered each time you are born. The energies of the Sun, Planets, and the Cosmos are the symbolic hands that alter the clay form of the Template. Each time you are born, a flash of Celestial energy slightly alters the design of your Template. This is the basis of astrology.

Although your personal template is unique to you, the images below can open your eyes to the variety of personalities and forms each Template may take.